The following is a real call I ran a few months ago. Feedback and suggestions would be nice. I want to know what more I could have done. Here goes, 60 something male with clogged trach and hx of throat cancer among other things. I get on scene and pt is in cardiac arrest. I work the arrest, blaw blaw blaw. Open airway and attempt to bag pt, and hear air coming out of tracheal stoma without chest rise and fall. Then I bag stoma without compliance. Then attempt to suction stoma with whistle-tip catheter and nothing. Then I attempt to suction with Yankauer and get nothing. Bag again and nothing. Then I intubate stoma and get no rise/fall of chest and no compliance with BVM. Then I try and intubate with no land marks due to throat cancer surgery but do get into trachea and have no rise and fall and bad compliance. Now he has gone from PEA to flatline. Still working the arrest, I try combitube and more suctioning in route to hospital. Combi goes in trach (what are the chances) and again have no compliance. pt is pronounced at hospital. Ever heard of surgical airway below tracheotomy? Was there anything else I could have done?
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