Affordable Healthcare Act


Forum Crew Member
Hey everyone. I am sorry if I am posting in the wrong section, but I was curious and started looking up what if any effect the affordable healthcare act aka "obamacare" has had on EMS.
I know it isn't fully in effect yet, but the latest posts I can find on the web are from like 2010, and obviously things have changed since then.

Has anything improved? Degraded?

I just have to satisfy my curiosity!


Forum Asst. Chief
The reason you are not finding much is because much is not known. Yes law was passed in '10 but only now Federal Government releasing all of the rules for the law. The only thing that is clear that smaller companys with employees under 50(full time employees or full time equivalent with part time) will be required to provide insurance or pay a fine. Some rules came out today and one specified that insurance company can institute enrollment period. So there will not be selling of insurance on way to the hospital from back of ambulance. It still appears to be cheaper for people not buy insurance and pay a fine. It's just now people will have to gamble if they will get sick during period when enrollment is closed or not.


Forum Crew Member
My insurance premiums have gone down two years in a row because of the ACA. It was either that or they had to cut us all checks because they spent less than 80% of the premiums on patient care. Sounds good to me. Other than that nothing has changed.