Advice for Type I Diabetic New EMT


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Hi Everyone,
I just recently became nationally certified as an EMT, but unfortunately it was not made clear to me that a Type I diabetic cannot obtain a Commercial drivers license here in California without getting federally exempted by the government. I really wanted to be an EMT here in California, so I am in the process of trying to become exempted, but apparently this is a slow, rare, and uncertain process. I maintain good control of my blood sugar and I have had one hypoglycemic episode in my 12 years as a diabetic.
I have begun to look into moving out of state because I believe some states do not require an EMT to obtain a commercial drivers license (i.e. Oregon, etc). Should I get my LA county license and pay the dues, only to have to transfer it to another state? Should I fill out my diabetes exemption application and hope for the best?
I really would like to become an EMT, so if any of you wonderful professionals could provide advice, it would be greatly appreciated and helpful.

Thank You
so if any of you wonderful professionals


Moving on: I know of at least one (exceptionally well-controlled) type I diabetic who works in MA. A CDL (or any formal verifiable driver training, believe it or not) is not a requirement here. I'm guessing it's another California peculiarity. Check on neighboring states.

As far as working in EMS as a type I diabetic, you'll need to plan ahead, but it's not anything you can't do, and I won't presume to give you advice. Be prepared to articulate your plan to potential employers, and if you do get hired, please tell your partners and try to keep them informed about what you need.

Moving to another state just to work as a basic is a bit drastic, but at least starting in California means you can only improve your pay relative to the cost of living.