Hey guys I just finished paramedic school, and have been working on the truck for a few months. Do any of you have some good advice for a new paramedic? Thanks for your time and answers.
Hey guys I just finished paramedic school, and have been working on the truck for a few months. Do any of you have some good advice for a new paramedic? Thanks for your time and answers.
I finished my class almost exactly one year ago. Things I have learned over the last year are:
I really do know more than I "think" I know. What I mean by that is, trust yourself. You will find that you really did learn XYZ in class that you thought you would never "get".
Follow your gut. Sometimes, you can't explain why you know/suspect something, you just do.
Never stop learning. Completing medic school and getting your card is only the BEGINNING of your journey.
Don't be afraid to ask questions. Medic school teaches the minimum that you need to know. There is plenty more to learn, and people that are willing to share their knowledge if you JUST ASK.
No matter how long you may have been an EMT, being a medic is a new experience. Don't worry that you sometimes feel like you don't know what to do. It is completely normal and will take you some time to learn how to be a medic.
Don't be afraid to stand your ground with the "older" or more experienced medics. Everything in medicine changes and as long as you know the "why" to go along with the "how" you will be fine. Everyone can learn something new.
Most importantly, have fun! Don't loose sight of what your job is, but don't take yourself to seriously either. There is only so much you can do for each patient, and as long as you give them your best effort at that time, that is all you can expect of yourself.