Advance in paramedicine...


Forum Ride Along
Thanks Tim... the program i will attend is the National EMS Academy/Acadian company. I will be nationally registered and overall its a 2 year program start to finish. They do offer an associates degree at LIT but the class hours through nemsa will allow me to work my current full time job. It's also a year shorter but ONLY because the program at LIT requires a year of general ed pre-reqs prior to the program.

I just don't feel like i will enjoy nursing as much and don't want to be forced to bridge bc of low income in a field i love.

Please contact me about the LIT program as i see that you have some serious misinformation about the program. You are not required to take all of the general education courses prior to taking the paramedic course. LIT offers a certificate and an AAS paramedic program. They can be taken simultaneously.


Forum Ride Along
Please dalman97 contact me about information about the LIT program, as I believe you may have some bad information.