Address not posted on mailboxes or house

January 1st the town sends a certified letter to every resident in town, if we get a call for service and your house isn't numbered, PD issues a summons and a $200 ordinance violation. After a year we had almost 100% compliance
As for the original question, what we do when crews can't find an address (due to various reasons) is have the dispatcher step out of the house and flag down the ambulance.
see what happens when you don't proofread? this should have said:

As for the original question, what we do when crews can't find an address (due to various reasons) is have the dispatcher call the caller back and have the caller step out of the house and flag down the ambulance.

Aw, you shouldn't have posted the correction, and left us all to marvel at whatever fancy new system you guys have that allows the dispatcher to somehow come out of the callers house. ;)
Aw, you shouldn't have posted the correction, and left us all to marvel at whatever fancy new system you guys have that allows the dispatcher to somehow come out of the callers house. ;)

I was liking that idea as well and wondering where I could get one so I could transport back and forth to work faster...