Acadian Interview Help


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I have an inteview with Acadian ambulance this week and it is extremely crucial that I get this job. Does anyone know what the interview is like and what kind of questions are asked? I do fairly well on job interviews but this is a big one for me, any help is well appreciated.
They ask standard interview questions. I interviewed with Kelly in Austin and it was an awesome interview. They don't appear to try to trip you up at all, just want honest answers. I had a provisional offer when I left the building. The only thing that killed me was doing their PAT while sick and incredibly dehydrated. Good luck on your interview!
Thank you for the info, I have my interview in Austin this week. Im sure I will do just fine, and I feel much better now. Thanks
They ask standard interview questions. I interviewed with Kelly in Austin and it was an awesome interview. They don't appear to try to trip you up at all, just want honest answers. I had a provisional offer when I left the building. The only thing that killed me was doing their PAT while sick and incredibly dehydrated. Good luck on your interview!

What he said. It's all standard straight forward questions. Just relax and answer honestly. I'm sure you'll be fine.