A little help friends!

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Forum Ride Along
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So I turned in my application to recertify in San Luis Obispo County, CA, I was originally certified in Los Angeles County. I got a letter denying my application, at the moment and asking for more information.

They're not accepting my H6 diving record because at the end it states it cannot print entire record, that I can accept and talk with the DMV to come up with a solution.

Here are the main issues I'm having issue with;

In 2004 when I was 15, I was caught joy riding in my car, and given a ticket for driving without a license, I didn't have money for the $800 fine, and they wouldn't work with me so it became a failure to pay, I eventually saved up enough to pay it.

In January 2008, and again in April 2008 I got a speeding ticket, I left on deployment to Iraq before my court dates, and they became failure to appear, when I returned home I paid the fines, and it was taken care of.

2012 I got my EMT in Los Angeles, CA with no problem.

2014 recertifying in San Luis Obispo, CA I was unaware those failure to appears were considered misdemeanors, and on the application had marked that I never been charged with a misdemeanor, I called and spoke to them, and realized my mistake and apologized, but they're saying that I needed court documents for these FTAs so they can investigate, and that I have too many misdemeanors to be recertified. They pretty much told me to go back to Los Angeles, but I'm not sure if my CE's i earned here, and the instructor that signed of my skills would be accepted there.

My understanding was that it was no more than 2 misdemeanor in a 5 year period, for a drug offense, violent offense, or theft is what a medical director can deny you for.

Does anyone have any recommendations, advice, of constructive opinions that can help me with this?
We don't allow any legal advice here. Get an attorney.
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