911 vs. Transport Work


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Obviously, I want to work on the 911 calls. The two 911 contract companies where I'm located are on hiring freezes. I've sent in a letter of interest and resume to both but I'm also applying to the als & bls companies. I'm wondering about applying to strictly transport companies. Will that look bad to future employers or is that considered decent "experience" in this industry? Get me out of my cubicle!
First EMT job?

If so I would say get hired where you can right now? So long as the company is reputable. Transports are a good way for you to gain exposure and develop a solid foundation.
Have you considered expanding your search area? If this is your first EMS job and want to compete find a 911 response system. Start at the bottom and work your way up, id stay away from transfers. Just my advise good luck.

i have worked both IFT and 911, and 911 is obviously better. however, i would take what i could get at this point. there is no harm in working for an IFT company while you apply to 911 companies.
You're right no harm in working for a a IFT company, just thought you could expand your job search area. Keep your skills sharp and reassess all pts after receiving pt care from the facility. Good luck