90yof - csf?

Ah well congrats! It's definitely an exciting career path.
thank you, im very proud of myself because wasnt easy!

Congrats man. I know they teach in EMT school that everyone gets o2 and that it doesn't hurt anything, but thats actually not true. I don't think it's a well known fact in ems because of how we are taught, and I have seen many medics who give everyone o2.

The truth is that over oxygenating can cause production of free radicals and can cause more damage during reperfusion. Im not saying it would of hurt that lady, in this case, but it certainly wouldn't help her. O2 for comfort is a bad practice. I would encourage you to research the subject some more and see what else you can learn and then pass it on.

Don't take this into consideration on the NREMT though, I am strictly speaking for real life scenarios. Good luck on the written portion by the way.
That is something I believe needs medical evaluation. It may be less serious but it could also be something bad, especially with the pupils the way they are.

After reading the diagnosis, thats what I would have figured but still it is good to always think of the worst case scenario.
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Always nice to be able to confirm with a glucometer if it may in fact be CSF.

I personally, can't say i've ever seen CSF in person even with all the traumatic jobs i've been on. For me it would be very assessment based to rule out whether it was fluid from some form of infection or minor injury or if it was truly CSF.

I am not understanding why giving o2 would make sense for the patient either. If the patient is satting at roughly 100% on RA and have no reason for ischemia to the brain like AMS or other symptoms, their level of oxygen bound hemoglobin headed to the brain isn't getting any higher with or without o2.
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First off i want to say thank you for your responses, 02 is a big debate i guess, and i think it all depends on the teacher also but it is nice to have an outside voice from different medics & emts who have experience. I will check it out thank you.