75yo Male - post LOC wrist #

We used to allow this in the past (giving people elephant approved dosages of midazolam) but it was a bit of a bugger for the reasons you mention and the mortality rate was found to increase (suprised?).

So now we have proper RSI with fent/midaz/ketamine/sux/vec.

Oh god, it makes me feel nauseated. I see in one of the protocols that was posted earlier in this thread that this sort of things still goes on. Just crazy. Take a fit young, healthy male with a broken brain and trismus, obliterate any trace of BP they had with benzos, then brutalize a fully functioning larynx (the most innervated structure in the body) with a cold steel blade causing ICP to go through the roof, and then probably not get the tube in anyway.

I just threw up in my mouth a little.

Still, baby steps :)