5 things you wish you knew...

Don't ever be afraid to ask your partner for advice/help...if you can't get a B/P, or something seems weird for some reason, or you're just not sure, ask.

Driving emergent does not mean you need to run 80mph down city streets. Imagine driving with your dog in the back seat...do you really want to slam on the gas and brakes every intersection and throw them around? If they can't work in the back because you're driving like an idiot, they're going to be pissed...
1) true emergencies are few and far between.

2) stretch and exercising will help. Especially years down the road.

3) don't eat, breathe and sleep EMS. Get a hobby outside of this job.

4) talk to people about bad stuff. Don't let it eat you up.

5) eat well. Stay away from junk food in the truck.

See #3