24/48 hour shift

4 platoons, 2 12 hour days. 2 12 hour nights. 4 days off. I actually didn't mind it until the second night. That was always bad.
Yea. It's 0310 on my second night. The communications manager is basically jogging in place to keep moving two more hours. I'm stepping out of the room to pound coffee, karak/coffee and the occasional cigar. 2 hours until my relief should arrive. Twenty minute drive outta here. Unwind. Nap. Naaaaaaaaaap.

What's suprising is for a place that focuses very strongly on "effective" care and "best possible," they don't seem to take into account simple human exhaustion and the fact that tonight eeeeeveryone is dragging, hard, and not as effective as we could be.
I did 24/48s on a dual medic ambulance. As soon as we got on shift we did our daily station duties, checked off the rig, then hit the lounge chairs in front of the TV. Napped in front of the TV all day between calls. After dark we went to bed and napped in bed between calls. You never know, sometimes you slept most of the shift, sometimes you didn't. Nap whenever you can.