
  1. J


    is there any different approach or any tips or tactics to be used when dealing with anything pediatric related?
  2. EpiEMS

    Pediatrics and Your Practice

    Seeing this abstract got me thinking - how many of my patients are pediatrics? I reviewed my charts and came up with a figure of about 1 in 8 (~12.5%), where pediatric is defined as under age 21. Yes, 21. I know that I'm far from an expert in pediatric care, and I wanted to get a sense for what...
  3. Crystal42


    So, I have been doing EMS for a year now. When I first started I was really nervous but excited to start a job I knew I was born to do. The year had flew by. This job is amazing. Yes we have difficult calls. But the worst involves a child. I recently did a pediatric code. Unfortunately the child...
  4. B

    Peds EKG question

    Hey guys, I am a EMT in Colorado with my EKG cert. I work in an ER and I ran into a scenario I never learned about or have encountered yet. I wish I had strips to show. I apologize if this is something I should 100% know how to do. I ran a EKG on a 16 month old in respiratory distress. Our...