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  1. P

    My first EMT job interview! HELP!!!

    Wahoo! I got the job ;) This is such a huge break for me after such a tough year. A BIG thank you to everyone for their help and encouragement. THANK YOU!
  2. P

    My first EMT job interview! HELP!!!

    update: IT was just about as I was expecting it to be, although I was surprised to see that out of 11 candidates I was the only girl. Is that typical? Either way, we all seemed to be just as nervous a the next. Overall, the interview went pretty well I think. The entire process took 4...
  3. P

    My first EMT job interview! HELP!!!

    Thank you!! Great advice everyone. I'll be studying and reviewing all week. This career switch has been intimidating to get started, so its been great to have this forum where I can get tips from real professionals in the field. I'll be back Friday to tell you how it went.
  4. P

    My first EMT job interview! HELP!!!

    Just got the call that I have my first EMT job interview next friday. I AM SO EXCITED! ...but also VERY nervous. Applying for jobs has not been easy. It's been over a year since i completed my EMT class, and I've been waiting for the chance to interview for so long, I just don't want to blow...