I am a Paramedic student. We were transporting a 72 year old female she was breathing with a very weak pulse. She stopped breathing and went into pulse-less electrical activity not V-tach or V-fib. After one set (2) minutes of CPR she started breathing again. I would appreciate comments
I passed my written the first time and all practical stations first time except static cardio. I thought I did well on my third attempt but failed. My instructor said he would get back to me on what happens next. Do I have to retake all my practicals? Do I need to retake my class?
72 year old, very low BP, alert to loud verbal stimuli, but when he responds he makes jokes and then goes back to only responding to verbal stimuli, heart rate 30, Stable? standby pacing? Unstable immediate TCP?
treatment question
57 year old, very low bp, CHF, alert to verbal stimuli, but when he responsed he made jokes, heart rate 30. No chest pain Stable? Unstable? TCP? or stanby TCP