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    Lidocaine for intubation in full arrest

    Hey y'all, have an interesting question: So, I understand a lot of protocols call for lidocaine IV prior to RSI, the idea being that it blunts the cardiac response to laryngoscopy, protects ICP from spiking, etc. But here's something I got to thinking about after watching a megacode on...
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    EMT-I and P in Houston

    How wise is it to rely on NREMT pass rates as an indicator of the strength of the program? Because I'm looking at and wondering if people are just that stupid, or are these programs really not preparing you for NREMT. And...
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    EMT-I and P in Houston

    Hey I'm curious about which school in Houston, Texas would be better as I move on with my EMS training. Got my EMT-B at Houston Community College. It was ok, but some of my instructors weren't really teachers per se, and some just didn't seem like they knew what they were talking about at...
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    EMS in Houston

    Hey y'all! I'm starting out my journey in prehospital care by getting my emt-b this summer and I'm wanting to immediately start testing and using my knowledge and skills in the field after I'm certified. If anyone can recommend a good EMS to volunteer with (or even work part-time) that's in...