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  1. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    Good deal Armor I am glad to hear that things have finally gone through for ya... I am still waiting... I have been busy lately and have just caught up with things... the wife just went to Kuwait with CHS on monday so trying to get this done.... have a safe trip and look forward to meeting you guys
  2. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    actually from what we are hearing they are not even making "job offers" at this time until the end of march... so at least there is a time line of sorts for that
  3. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    Hey Travis hows it going whats up with the aviation side of things, i have heard a few rumblings from chad, he is an army buddy of mine
  4. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    I Agree with AK on this one... If you do not have patients enough to read a few pages of info that is very well worth the read, then maybe you might want to rethink things... not putting you down, mind you, but just thinking that you might want to consider thinking it over a little more and...
  5. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    LOL ok I will "stay tuned"... thanks for checking into that for me... Guys I promise I am not that big of a "problem child" lol... but thanks
  6. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    I had heard that they were in the process of changing management or something of that nature, and it was stated that due to "internal reasons" they were putting a hold on their recruiting at this time... i dont know any more than that and the "turn over" is simply speculation on my part. I am...
  7. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    hmmm i have no idea.... would be interesting to know though...
  8. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    I guess this will give me time to ensure that I have everything that I need to get this up and running... was set up with AA and had that going through but when that got squished I had to change gears and along with dealing with everything here... So I will wait and see what happens... and...
  9. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    Hey guys just to let you know I got this today in my inbox Dear Sir, Thank you for your email. At the moment all the recruitment processes are on hold due to some internal reasons. As soon as we begin recruiting again I will inform you. Regards, Assma AL-Tuwaijri Human Resources...
  10. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    I have an issue with my diploma.... I dont have it... I have all the transcripts but my diploma was distroyed and the school board said that they do not have any copies... any help would be great... but they have everything other than that and I am not sure if that is why I have not herd back...
  11. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    Just to make the same point again.. I was in the process with AA (Jay) and when he got back in country he mailed me and told me that they were not hiring flight medics any more for me to go through SRCA so when i mailed my stuff into them they got back with me right away.. and abotu a week later...
  12. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    NJ I cant tell you that the info is inaccurate, because i have not herd anything yet... I do have feelers out though, just like everyone else i am sure.. I am like you though, I have just been bounce from the AA process to SRCA process but i intend on hnaging in and going through it... so i...
  13. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    now dont that just toss a monkey wrench into things.... lol well i guess we will see where this goes....
  14. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    good deal armmor... I am still waiting to hear from my phone interview... but I have all my paper work together and sitting on go just waiting to get that ball rolling I know they have been pushed a little so i am waiting and hoping that i hear something soon... later and take care hopfully see...
  15. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    whats up guys... hey if anyone is in contact with Jay ask him if he has beengetting my emails... I have not herd anything back from him... I know he is busy and I just wanted to make sure he is getting my emails... thanks and safe travels to those that are leaving
  16. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    I just found out I got a buddy on the ground over there that I was in the army with... that is wierd but will be cool to get over there and start working... hey travis, how long from boots on the ground to actually getting on shift is it taking... was just curious...
  17. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    that was me schulz my wife is finishing up her GBI stuff her SF 86 is completed and she is getting ready to deploy... things have actually went well with the process so far, so i guess we will wait and see what happens, but once again it is goo to have the info to process and put it all...
  18. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    how is it going travis.... U finding thigs ok... saw the pics of the bird she looks nice... hope all is well
  19. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    here is the only problem i may have with that schulz, i was a military medevac guy so most of my time in the air has been with the military, so in order for that to count i have to mention it
  20. Hoppymedic

    Saudi Red Crescent Authority

    from my understanding you have to be "hired on" before they can deploy you, but like helimedic said, if you are not ehat they are looking for then they can and wil send you packing. the hiring process is supposed to eliminate that preblem but we all now that some look better on paper than in...