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  1. F

    Nfpa 1917

    It is also worth noting that it is estimated that it will cost somewhere around $8,000-$12,000 extra per ambulance when purchasing to make them NFPA 1917 compliant.
  2. F

    Nfpa 1917

    Great points. NFPA will be adopted as the standard for EMS once the first state officially adopts 1917. It is not a requirement, just a standard. Many state health departments are sending letters to the Feds asking that they do not remove GSA KKK. However, that is something that needs to be...
  3. F

    Nfpa 1917

    I guess I should point out that right now the standard is GSA KKK. There is a federal mandate that states once the first state adopts NFPA1917 the GSA KKK standard will no longer exist. This will leave states without a standard other than NFPA 1917. If they do not build to the NFPA 1917...
  4. F

    Nfpa 1917

    So, NFPA 1917 was released last month. I was wondering if any of you had any thoughts on the standard as a whole as it relates to non-FD ambulances. This is going to be a very important issue in the coming years. Lemme know your thoughts....Thanks!!!
  5. F

    Need financial assistance with EMT or Paramedic school??

    Absolutely!! We will accept applications and award funds to applicants from anywhere in the US.
  6. F

    "Obama Care" versus wishful thinking

    Greed has destroyed America. Most, if not all, politicians, political scientists, and public health administrators know that universal health care will be inevitable in America. They just don't know when. ObamaCare is simply a last-ditch effort to make a private health insurance...
  7. F

    Need financial assistance with EMT or Paramedic school??

    Yes yes. I am originally from Florida so being in Oklahoma definitely feels like the middle of nowhere. Lol Please do spread the word. It wasn't until I moved to OK that I realized that there is such a tremendous lack of funding and resources for rural EMS in America. Rural areas are one of the...
  8. F

    Need financial assistance with EMT or Paramedic school??

    Yes, it does. However, for the fall semester we currently have the funding for 2-3 scholarships. This would most likely equate to 2 EMT awards and 1 for either Advanced or Paramedic. As we grow so will our ability to assist higher education beyond paramedic. Thank you for your inquiry
  9. F

    Need financial assistance with EMT or Paramedic school??

    Just giving the interested an update: The deadline to apply for the Fall 2012 semester is fast approaching. We will not accept any applications past May 31, 2012 Feel free to IM or visit the website if you have any further questions regarding applying for this EMS scholarship....
  10. F

    Why not shock a trauma code?

    I mentioned America in that sentence simply to make it clear that I was only talking about the standards in America. I do not know the standards in any other country and did not want anyone to think I was issuing a blanket statement that would encompass other countries.
  11. F

    Why not shock a trauma code?

    This thread is turning into 3 arguments in one and it is quickly getting out of control. I am an educator and I will remain completely open to discussing new and progressive treatments. Especially, if they come from more efficient and productive systems such as Europe and Australia. This...
  12. F

    Why not shock a trauma code?

    Let's take a look... I understand that there are paramedics in Europe and Australia that have a much broader capability to interpret and follow these protocols. But here in America, once you are in that "cardiac dysrhythmia protocol" you follow the protocol. Also, no protocol in America...
  13. F

    Why not shock a trauma code?

    Way back at the beginning I said: So, it seems obvious we were speaking about national standards here in America. Vene clearly stated: Then I specifically said "Any instructor who teaches that it is okay to withhold defibrillation without having a protocol or orders is doing the...
  14. F

    Why not shock a trauma code?

    Yes, this was me being facetious This is the whole debate here. I am saying this exact same thing while Veneficus is saying that it is okay for a street medic to make the decision to change this standard.
  15. F

    Why not shock a trauma code?

    Amazing that the trauma surgeon defibrillated this patient.....doesn't he know that the new thing to do is just let it ride??:cool:
  16. F

    Why not shock a trauma code?

    Veneficus, your analogies make no sense. The OP said the protocol was to not even attach the AED. First, he has a PROTOCOL!!!....and second, without attaching the AED there is no indication to shock. You are trying to argue 5 different things now. This discussion has never been about...
  17. F

    Why not shock a trauma code?

    Couldn't agree more and I'm with that 110%.....however, should they choose to attempt resuscitation that doesn't give any paramedic the power to make the conscious decision to withhold defibrillation if they happen to see vfib, vtach, or hear the words 'shock advised' from an AED.
  18. F

    Why not shock a trauma code?

    Trust me, I was not trying to impress you. I was simply disclosing who I spoke with I made the correction on the previous page that they stated there is NO accepted standard of care that would allow for withholding defibrillation. This statement tells me that you are so far off of what...
  19. F

    Why not shock a trauma code?

    Oops....this clearly should say: All are in agreement that there is NO accepted standard of care that would allow for a prehospital paramedic to make the decision to withhold defibrillation in a traumatic arrest, regardless of the situation
  20. F

    Why not shock a trauma code?

    So, talked to several physicians today including several from the state medical board, 2 attendings from our level trauma center, and 1 attending from our pediatric ED. I gave them the scenario exactly as it is shown from my earlier post. All are in agreement that there is accepted...