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  1. N

    Passed the TESTTT

    I'm still learning, but frankly, yes. Maybe it's just the way I work, but I practically re-learned everything I had learned in class once I got into the field. Its sort of like playing the piano. You may say "I can read music, so I'm sure I can play the piano." In theory, yes, you can play the...
  2. N

    Advice wanted in 'Forced Resignation' situation

    Thanks for the advice here :D. I so know what you mean about the PCR's. Which is why I feel so angry. If they wanted to fire me for PCR errors - they had a million chances within my first 6 months of working there - I made so many mistakes!!! But they were obviously reaching to get me fired...
  3. N

    Advice wanted in 'Forced Resignation' situation

    Hey, thanks alot for the advice, guys :) I'd love to apply to Care, I've heard alot of good things about them and the way they treat their employees. I'm also pretty eager to try a 911 ambulance company - transports don't exactly stress your skills, if u know what I mean. My dad mentioned...
  4. N

    Advice wanted in 'Forced Resignation' situation

    Did you read the post though? They told me that I ONLY had two options: I could either resign or they would fire me. I don't want to give TOO much personal information out here, but I am pretty young (19 years old), and as this was my first job (not only my first EMT job...the first job I've...
  5. N

    Advice wanted in 'Forced Resignation' situation

    I worked for an ambulance company in Los Angeles county for almost an entire year (a week short of). Wierd things started happening at my employer's a couple of months ago. They cut everyone's shifts by two hours (from 12 hr to 10 hr) to save money, bought cheap gloves for everyone, and...