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    Multiple options Everyone here is offering good advice. If you are just starting out a decent pair of trauma shears makes a great basic tool. They cut almost everything and some of them also offer notches in the handle to turn O2 tank valves. Usually they can also be bought on the cheap...
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    Dental Trauma

    One major problem, certainly if you are dealing with kids, is the chance that they will swallow the tooth if you put it back in their mouth. (Choking is also a concern.) Dismal chance of reimplanting after that.
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    Dental Trauma

    No good reply At least not for your patient. I work as an EMT at a prison and A) I get to see a fair number of avulsed/broken teeth and B) I am lucky enough to have a dentist to consult with on the medical staff. A tooth that is broken along its length down to the root is a goner. The...
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    Ever been subpoenaed?

    Oh yeah, I have been subpoenaed. I work as a medic in a Federal Prison so I have been called to court on several occasions. None of them increased my confidence in our legal system. On one event we had a stabbing that resulted in an inmate's death. The family sued the prison, and me, for...
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    NREMT and MI to IL/NY reciprocity?

    New York certification is good whether you are in the city or in the mountains. What I was referring to is that the city EMS Council would have a far greater familiarity with granting reciprocity to NJ or even CT techs, where the Finger Lakes will not instantly be aware of what needs to be done.
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    NREMT and MI to IL/NY reciprocity?

    Here is your link. Hey, good luck with that. I used to be an EMS instructor in Northern New York and I found that when dealing with NY's bureaucracy, nothing was simple. Here is the web page for the Bureau of EMS' section on reciprocity...
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    Computerized run reports or paper???

    Wish list I was responsible for QA/QI for our region for almost seven years. I prayed for computerized systems to become available. Eventually I gathered some volunteers and created a database program that allowed data entry, and the generation of reports from the info on the paper PCR's. It...
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    Viscous lidocaine intranasally for epistaxis

    This one stumped me as well. Often lidocaine is combined with epi in its injectable form. Perhaps there is a preparation of viscous lidocaine/epinephrine available? That is the only way I see this as working.
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    What was that device?

    It may take a little education on your part. When we started using ET tube holders in our region the medics loved them and the hospital was pretty noncommittal. Then, the agencies were flooded with complaints from the hospital about their use. It seems that when patients were brought to...
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    Another way to get MRSA

    MRSA is basically in the community now and you need to be conscious of that fact. Although I cannot totally blame spiders, I wouldnt be surprised if the reason they get blamed is when someone scratches at any "bite" or ingrown hair, whatever; they innoculate a break in the skin with whatever...