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    Ambulance Driver Certificate Very Confused please Help

    I think since it's Califorina DMV system it should be the same for the whole state, the rules that is. Have you checked the ambulance driver's manual, I bet there is something there regarding this. If you haven't bought it, it's like 5 dollars. It is a good size manual with good stuff in it. Or...
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    Another Show About Paramedics: The Listener

    Remind me to cry when NBC's Trauma comes on Imagine when Trauma comes on. GOD . . . it's going to be great isn't it? All our protocols will update with procedures on jumping out of burning helicopters. When the show Trauma does comes on, we will all die a little . . . grrrreat
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    Should I Join the Police Explorers?

    Well, you could Carpool. That's always a option. Since you can't drive yet. If you in, your most likely going to be in the 12-24 hour shifts. If it's 24 hours, maybe you can carpool with one of the crew members, since it's the same time they get on and off. I am willing to bet that there might...
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    Working in the ER

    I volunteer in the ER, and I can tell you I would love to be a ER tech. ER tech see a lot of stuff, learn a lot of stuff, and do a lot of stuff. The Trauma tech also a ER tech are there assisting the nurses treat the traumas, these are the more experienced ones. They put on the leads, and do...
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    Should I Join the Police Explorers?

    Have you tried contacting the other fire explorers I was looking around and there are a lot fire explorer programs in San Diego. - San Diego Fire Cadet - La Mesa Fire - San Miguel Fire District - Intermountain Fire & Rescue - Intermountain Fire - Julian-Cuyamaca Fire Prot. Dist. -...
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    San Diego Employment

    Awesome Professor Hi, I know who you are talking about. I think many of us knows who you are talking about. She is an awesome professor, I came out of the Summer 08 FS 8-5pm class. Recently completed my NREMT. I am on the same boat as everyone else out there, looking for a job and such. I heard...