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  1. guamie

    Dispatchers Say the Darndest Things...

  2. guamie

    Occlusive Dressings

    Thanks for the replies everyone. I guess I was over thinking the solution. However, I didn't know that sucking chest wounds don't bleed much externally, so that would subsequently explain being able to apply an occlusive dressing so quickly. I do know that there are times where I can remove...
  3. guamie

    Occlusive Dressings

    I have a question that I am sure that I am way over thinking... I know that for an open/sucking neck or chest wound you apply an occlusive dressing, right? If the pt is bleeding, you obviously want to control the bleeding first. If there are dressings applied to control the bleeding, do you put...
  4. guamie

    EMT-B's in the state of Georgia?

    David, I just graduated from the Gwinnett Tech program in December, and at the end of the program we take an EMT-B summative exam first, then the EMT-I. At Gwinnett Tech, you essentially take the courses and do the hours (class and clinical hours) to test for the NRETM Basic exam. The only...