Search results

  1. T

    Dog care while away on duty?

    I just bought my first house and I'll be moving in about a week. I'm excited, but I'm also dreading the move because I still haven't figured out how I will have my dog cared for while I'm away on a 24-hour shift. I'll be moving out of my brothers house and he is moving his girlfriend in the...
  2. T

    Utah: Gold Cross Ambulance employees?

    Any Gold Cross Ambulance Employees on this forum? Can I pick your brain? :)
  3. T

    Paramedic/EMT-P in Utah

    I'm looking to relocate to Utah, but need to line up a job first. Anyone here know of good places to work as an EMT-Paramedic in Utah? I don't have Fire training, but I am certainly not opposed to it should a employer offer it to me. I'm primarily interested in working on an ALS transport...
  4. T

    Paramedic-RN bridge program in Utah?

    I'm having a difficult time finding a school in Utah that offers a bridge program from paramedic to RN. Anyone familiar with one?
  5. T

    Parttime job while in EMT-P School?

    I just got my formal acceptance into the Paramedic program beginning in January, so I will be quitting my current full-time job in a few weeks to allow for time to go to class and study. Unfortunately I have not been successful in lining up a job as an EMT with a service or hospital (ER...
  6. T

    Anti-Immunization & Pro-Natural Child Birth

    So I'm dating this girl and I just found out that her family is (for the most part) anti-immunization and pro natural (at home) child birth. Apparently she was born at home and so were her siblings, with only a midwife there. Also she swears up and down that she's never had any type of shot...
  7. T

    Job options for new EMT-B?

    I just completed my national registry a few weeks ago and I am now looking to get out of my current office job and into a healthcare related job. I should have my paramedic by January of 2011, but until then I would like a new job that will give me some valuable experience. The only EMT...