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  1. F

    EMS Crewing Levels 1, 2, 3.....?

    Well, here's how we do things in my area. I live in Northern Wyoming. Our ambulance area is frontier/rural. The closest Trauma center is 90 minutes away. We don't have paramedics at all on my service. We have 3 rigs. We run a 3 man crew, with at least one EMT-I. Our crew has 28 members, 8...
  2. F

    Practicing IV cannulation.

    we have "the arm" that we use initially. After that, we use the Basics on our crew! hahahaha actually, they volunteer, we don't draft anyone. And we stick each other when too.
  3. F

    Had a great call yesterday...

    I have the opportunity on a regular basis to see how calls go from start to finish. I guess that's one advantage to working in a small area. It is pretty cool to see how they turn out! My opinion here, alcohol involvement nearly ALWAYS results in stupid decisions! This winter we had a...
  4. F

    Am I foolin myself

    I work on a hospital based service. We have a few of our EMT's who, due to bad driving records, are not allowed to drive the rigs, but are allowed to be on the crew. (and one of them has a DUI on their record as well) The state's requirement is no felony against a person. If EMS is what...
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    Off Duty emergency

    I live in a VERY rural area, where it can take some time for an ambulance to arrive. I carry a jump kit with basic stuff just in case. I feel it's better to be prepared. I have been the first on more than one car accident, and I just can't walk away. So I make sure I have gloves, pocket mask...
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    Receiving/Giving pt. Reports

    I think everyone has trouble learning how to give reports. I would write mine down so I would remember everything I wanted/needed to say. Just practice. You will find what works for you.
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    C-spine immobilization on a pt. with increased pain upon manual stabilization?

    You present an interesting scenario. In this situation, I would maintain manual c-spine control, pad where possible, put the pt on O2, and if needed assist with ventilations. Like the others have said, though, when you are in a tough situation and don't know what to do, call medical control!
  8. F

    Please tell me what I missed with this patient

    Epi I am an EMT-I on a small rural service. After reading your initial question, here are my thoughts. I don't think that you necessarily missed anything. However, if this had been my patient I would have put him on a cardiac monitor. I would have wanted to assess his cardiac status and...
  9. F

    Ambulance Associations

    John, Thank you for your comment. The hospital pays for the instructional supplies. We furnish the instructors. We haven't brought it to the attention of the newspaper or community. A good idea though......... I will pass it on the the boss.
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    Ambulance Associations

    association Thanks Bossy Cow........ I appreciate your comment and information.:rolleyes:
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    Ambulance Associations

    association My boss was referring to an association of our EMT's. If we had an association then we could do fundraisers etc and the money we made could be placed in an account that we had control purchase coats, uniforms etc.
  12. F

    Ambulance Associations

    Our ambulance director brought up the subject of starting an ambulance association for our ambulance service. I wanted to know if anyone could tell me about the associations they belong to, what bylaws they have, what they pay for dues etc. Any comments/suggestions will be greatly appreciated...
  13. F

    Making small talk with patients during long transfers

    Tranports We routinely do 90 min tranfers. I try to play off of the pt's mood..... if they lay back and close their eyes I just let them rest. If they seem anxious or are talkative, I will talk to them. I try to ask about their families. Most everyone has a family member they are proud of...
  14. F

    Backboarding question.

    To board or not to board I would much rather err on the side of caution and have it be unneccesary. In this situation, I would go ahead and collar and board the patient. There is a hx of fall, and c/o neck pain. That is enough for me.
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    Any services using 13 hours shifts?

    Shifts I guess we're a boring group where I'm at. We do 12 hr shifts straight across the board. :wacko:
  16. F

    Does anyone else do this?

    on scene info I use the back of my glove on scene. Then when I get in the rig I change gloves before I do any procedures so I don't lose my notes. I've tried the tape on the thigh before and it just didn't work for me. Everyone in the back of the rig will write all the vitals down, so we...
  17. F

    EMT Killed in Montana Hospital Shooting

    MT EMT killed This made me very sad when I heard it on the news. It's a tragic reminder for all of us. My heart goes out to the woman's husband and 4 kids, as well as her "EMS family" and the other 2 injured in the shooting.
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    Fire Crews Refuse Help to EMS On-Scene

    Firefighters refuse to help After reading this article I'm really glad for the relationship EMS has with the Fire Dept.'s in my area. They are always very willing to assist us in whatever way they can. We have a mutual aid agreement with them and they respond to all of our MVA's and we...
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    Stay safe! expect the unexpected

    unexpected This was a great reminder to everyone, regardless of years of experience, to always be on the lookout for unexpected things. Thanks for posting this and giving us all a reminder!
  20. F

    What is your rank or title.

    Title While my title isn't as unique as some of yours, I am and EMT-I and Crew Chief. I have been called S**t magnet at times, and more frequently am a jack of all trades, but master of none.