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  1. E

    Physical Agility Tests for pre-employment

    good info, thank you
  2. E

    Physical Agility Tests for pre-employment

    For reference it was for NorCal Ambulance...I don't want to risk disclosing confidential information of NorCal Ambulance so I will not post exactly what was on the test haha but it was basically a physical assessment testing if we would be able to meet the minimum physical requirements of the...
  3. E

    Physical Agility Tests for pre-employment

    I recently tried taking the standard PAT to work on an ambulance and wasn't able to pass...I killed the cardio portion but could not lift the gurney with a patient into the ambulance. Luckily this wasn't an all-or nothing for hiring; I've been given 90 days to wondering if y'all...
  4. E

    Pulling traction on an open femur fracture...yes or no?

    Is pulling traction on an open femur fracture a critical fail during a trauma practical final?? I've been looking everywhere in my coursework for this but nowhere did I find that this was taught as a critical fail.