Has anyone on here had or know of anyone who had a hip replacement surgery that works in EMS? If so how long did it take you to get back to work? Did the surgery make a difference?
I did a refresher in a classroom. So I do not know much about the online things that are out there. I have seen lots of folks on this site discussing them and it seems to be a 50/50 split on the effectiveness. I wish you luck brother. I truly understand your frustration.
Just wanted to follow up with the OP and see what you may have found. I am in a similar situation. I have looked high and low. Used Medictest site as well.
Just took the A written test for the 4th time. And again I did not pass. I scored near passing in every section. The frustration level I have is beyond high. I have taken a refresher, used study guides, web sites, prayer and maybe a sacrifice or two (joke). I made really good grades in my...
How do you feel about EMS providers wearing body armor. If you wear it is it required or choice. Does it "interfere" with job performance. If this topic has already been discussed please excuse me.
Good Afternoon Sir. Can you give me some idea as to how you prescribe MedicTest to your students? I know that seems vague but I am curious as to how it is used in a classroom setting. Thank You!!!
So thanks for the info about Flashcards I am jumping on that today.
Nomadic Medic would it be possible to email you? I have a couple of questions on how you use the MedicTests site.
I spoke with my instructor from school and my preceptor yesterday. Both of them are offering their assistance to...
I have unsuccessfully take the "A" test three times. Each time a different section gets me. I have read the book from my class to the point of memorization, used a test prep web site and study guides. I feel clueless at this time and I am not sure what to do. Any suggestions?
Good Morning. I just got my results for the EMT-A NREMT exam and it was not good. This is the third time I have not passed. And now I have to take a remedial course. Has anyone taken one of these before? What can be expected of this? Very frustrated with this entire process.....