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  1. E

    EMT-B courses for people under 18

    Joany---PM me if u want and i can help you out. I'm also in CT...
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    LMA vs ET tube

    Just curious why in EMS we use endotracheal intubation and never use Laryngeal mask airways/other intubation techniques...
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    EMT-B courses for people under 18

    I haven't posted here in a while, but I feel there's too much generalizing going on. I, like some of the other posters, am also from Connecticut. I'm 16 years old, and there are extremely mature 16 year olds in EMS, who are genuinely interested in medicine. Very few of the teenagers in EMS...
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    Contraindications to O2 Administration

    Interesting. I'm assuming you would still give them the O2 if they had a really low O2 sat, correct?
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    Contraindications to O2 Administration

    Why shouldn't you give people with COPD O2?
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    different bp readings in right and left arms

    Okay, I was thinking a clogged artery could decrease BP..
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    different bp readings in right and left arms

    Can an MI cause this?
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    different bp readings in right and left arms

    What can cause a patients right arm to have a systolic pressure of 20 more than the patients left arm?
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    Should EMS be armed

    My sentiments exactly..
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    "Heart keeps skipping a beat"

    No EKG was obtained b/c ALS was not available.
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    "Heart keeps skipping a beat"

    57 y/o female pt Only past medical history is lupus. No allergies Only med pt is on is Advil... Last oral intake--nothing out of the ordinary.. Events Prior--Once again, nothing that could provoke symptoms. Pt states that she often feels heart skip a beat once or twice every day...
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    Why do people's pupils constrict when they are sleeping? Generally, does trauma to the eye cause constriction or dialation? Or does it vary with different pts? Will head injuries ever cause pupils to constrict instead of dilate?
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    Restraining Psyche Patient

    I have a question- When would you use leather restraints instead of cravats to restrain someone? Which type of restraint is used more often? Why? Also, do you prefer one over the other? Why?
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    Why would you check for chest rise when you're on the C part of the ABC's?
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    Quick question- How would narcan help?
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    Why we never run...

    that has to be one of the funniest things I have seen in a very long time..
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    Treating hyperglycemia on a BLS level.

    I really, really do not need you tell me that I don't know how to care and treat diabetic patients and that my question "reflects the lack of knowledge" that I posses. I am not yet an EMT and I have not yet taken an EMT class. I'm an explorer who is trying to learn a few things about patient...
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    Treating hyperglycemia on a BLS level.

    Is there anything that can be done for the pt? For example, BGL of 220, what can you do for them?
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    Down Under - Australia

    I've been to New zealand and to australia, and I've only seen the van-ambulances. Do you guys have the box ambulances?
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    Basic CPR Question

    If you have an unresponsive choking victime with a pulse, and you start CPR with the finger sweep, can't they go into traumatic arrest because of the chest compressions?