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  1. Bluemtnsky

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    I am such a nerd, was kind of disappointed when it cut off at 70 questions yesterday. Checked (like every hour, and then) first thing this morning and I passed!
  2. Bluemtnsky

    Future EMT

    You could - get a jump start on Human Biology, lots of youtube/wiki/Khan Academy stuff on how the body works - work on written communication/technical writing (each patient gets a report and documentation is very important) - a little bit of exercise/lifting/body mechanics never hurts
  3. Bluemtnsky

    Couple Skills Assessment Questions!

    Lastly, I highly recommend practicing a couple videos Specifically for medical assessment scenarios. Watch the video (possibly with a clueless person, I used my dog.) Think about if the medication treatment matches...
  4. Bluemtnsky

    Couple Skills Assessment Questions!

    I'm a bit less confident on answering this one...(mainly because in real life I'm not sure how I will handle the verbal judo on convincing reluctant pts. to not refuse vs. understanding that the hospital is expensive, but you don't want to die, but is it really that bad? but yes it is just let's...
  5. Bluemtnsky

    Couple Skills Assessment Questions!

    Our area protocols state to give aspirin for possible cardiac chest pain, and that we can administer pts. prescribed nitro. I never got corrected for doing so in practice session for NREMT. If they call you on it, point to the protocols and challenge it. This is applicable to a different...
  6. Bluemtnsky

    Couple Skills Assessment Questions!

    ... I am unaware of a reason to give a hyperglycemic person more glucose.
  7. Bluemtnsky

    Couple Skills Assessment Questions!

    I did my skills test two days ago for EMT-B and passed everything first try. For trauma, you do all your verbal stuff at the beginning, then do LOC, then do ABC's which you will treat as you discover it. Don't forget C, Circulation, Cut the clothes, so that you can actually discover the LIFE...
  8. Bluemtnsky

    I Feel Like A Loser.

    I chuckled, thank you. Currently studying for EMT-B class final over everything. NREMT comes next week. Moderate anxiety. Chuckles good, very good. Terrible Tiger also provides chuckles.
  9. Bluemtnsky

    Best place to take an EMT-B course?

    They make you get your own gloves? Thats inconvenient. By mask do you mean a pocket cpr mask? We used those in my cpr class (pre-req for emt class) but I guess they phased those out starting with my class. OH! A watch with a second hand! Had to get one of those too. Hard to take pulse, resp...
  10. Bluemtnsky

    Best place to take an EMT-B course?

    We got a list of things we needed before class started. Included EMT book, 3 ring binder. Uniform stuff, stethoscope, bp cuff, penlight. A little pocket notebook is handy too.
  11. Bluemtnsky

    Paramedic Programs in Big Cities

    What Tigger said. Have a friend that just finished that program recently, from all that I've heard that will be where I go if I go the Paramedic route.
  12. Bluemtnsky

    Best place to take an EMT-B course?

    Only 3 days out of 4 weeks?! I would not feel competent with that (which is just me, not necessarily anyone else.) I thought my program was too short... I'm in a 9 week program (two days left and NREMT next tuesday). We have 20 skills days, many of which were scenarios rather than just skills...
  13. Bluemtnsky

    anatomy study guide

    Final description. Hmm, I don't know how that image will work out but it says: 1x7cm (approx.) linear, open wound, radial aspect of the upper one third of the left voral forearm, perpendicular to long bone, smooth edges, visible adipose tissue, initially blood oozing and controlled by...
  14. Bluemtnsky

    anatomy study guide

    #1 - Holy ****balls cringe! I have my EMT-B final tomorrow and final lab the day after. My class is only 9 weeks long (M-F 9-5 in class). I cannot imagine distilling all that I have learned in this class down into a measely 80 hrs training. I've easily spent 80 hrs outside of class on studying...
  15. Bluemtnsky

    Baby EMT-B (to be)

    Baby EMT-B (to be)
  16. Bluemtnsky

    anatomy study guide

    Alas, my nerdy tendencies are revealed....
  17. Bluemtnsky

    anatomy study guide

    Fun that this popped up, more links of useful anatomy. Maybe I've gotten in too deep, but it is fun. Writing my second PCR for EMT-B class...."laceration on the volar radial aspect of the proximal left forearm." Not sure if that is accurate....
  18. Bluemtnsky

    Stair chair alternatives

    :D you guys are awesome.