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  1. R

    University of Iowa paramedic program

    The guy who got me into EMS went through this program and I am looking into it myself. Let me tell you, he's a sharp guy. He's got a job as a full time medic here at hospital in St. Paul/MSP and is a volunteer ff. I've only heard how rigorous and thorough the program is. Best wishes!
  2. R

    Finally pursuing my dream

    After 3 semesters of attending a large University, I finally came to the conclusion it's not for me. After waiting 4 years (why it took so long is another story) I am enrolling in a Paramedic/Firefighter program. I have a couple of years to go, but I am happy to finally pursue my dream. Is...
  3. R

    Four year college not for me

    Hey guys, I just finished my first year of school at a large University. I did very poorly academically. I have been thinking a lot lately and am slowly coming to the conclusion that it's just not for me. It doesn't interest me, and the main reason I went is because I didn't want to be judged...
  4. R

    blood glucose levels...

    I remember last year we had a lady who had 3 kids, and an 11 year old "baby sitter" who appeared to be trying to locate her baby on the bottom of a kiddie pool, with her baby in her arms. My buddy thought she was intoxicated, but after she was close to going UC, we figured it out in a minute...
  5. R

    Stopping CPR for AED

    Is it still acceptable/legal/etc... to use the stacked-shock machines? That's what we were trained on and how to use them with that protocol, and then we got the new CPR-Shock-CPR-Shock, etc... Which kind of threw a wrench in our gears but oh well.
  6. R

    Seizure vs. Panic

    He stood up after his episode had finished and he sort of snapped out of it. At this point I would assume he was just disoriented and panicking.
  7. R

    Seizure vs. Panic

    I know this thread is old but... I wasn't insisting that I was going to treat the patient, I just was wondering if I should take the same precautions for a seizure as I would a situation like this that would happen to have lasted longer.
  8. R

    Stopping CPR for AED

    Where I work, our hands don't leave the chest (unless absolutely necessary to shave or sheer), until the pads are on and the AED tells us to not touch :) but when you consider a lifesaving shock after a solid 2 minutes of CPR (I think that's the latest protocol now for AHA) I think it's worth...
  9. R

    Seizure vs. Panic

    You would have a heart attack at my job then. I rescued a kid the other day, when I got him out and settled down, I asked him where his parents were. The kid says "Shopping at the MOA". (about 45 minutes away). This is a 7 year old kid.
  10. R

    Seizure vs. Panic

    The other day while I was working, (I'm a lifeguard), an elder man went down our waterslide, and he came out in a seizure-like state, convulsing, and arms perpendicular to his body. After a few seconds of being rescued and pulled to the side with head being supported, he stopped, shook off a bit...
  11. R

    Mother and Baby Slip/Trip/Fall

    Well, when the mother slipped, she manuvered in a fashion to try to protect the baby but ended up having the baby under her and she slipped in an awkward position landing on her head/neck. As we were treating the baby, she came out of mother-mode and complained of neck pain/numbness and the EMT...
  12. R

    Mother and Baby Slip/Trip/Fall

    I'm not an EMT, but I am a Lifeguard/First Responder of sorts. Today at our pool, we had a lady and her baby slip and fall on some stairs, and the baby took all of the fall in the mouth and nose area. There was blood coming from the nose, mouth, and gums. The baby was 6 months old. The mother...
  13. R

    I really need some guidance.

    I am not so sure the military is right for me. As much as I respect and look up to them, it's just not for me.
  14. R

    I really need some guidance.

    Actually being a nurse wouldn't be that bad. My only problem would be trying to get around the sterotype of female nurses. I was actually thinking of something totally unrelated and going and getting a B.A. in Business Management. I was thinking of possibly getting my EMT-B while in college and...
  15. R

    I really need some guidance.

    Thanks again for all the input! I have started to think long and hard. Do most EMTs have more than one job besides being an EMT, such as Firefigher, Officer, ER Tech, or something else?
  16. R

    I really need some guidance.

    Thanks everyone for your input! What a friendly community. It seems like everyone expects you to know what you want to do for the rest of your life. I had a conversation with my friends mom awhile back about how half way through college she realized she did not want to do what she had been in...
  17. R

    I really need some guidance.

    Thank you for all your advice. It really helps a lot. I want to get my First Responder for work but I think I will take your advice and just wait it out to get into that career field until the time is right. I hope eventually to get into this type of work ^_^
  18. R

    I really need some guidance.

    I am graduating high school in a year, I am a junior, with not so hot grades. I am taking my ACT soon. I do really well on tests and I consider myself above average intelligence wise, unfortunately I wasn't smart enough to turn my grades around in time. ANYWAYS, I really want to get into the EMS...