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  1. thowle

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    And, with all of this being said... and taking into consideration what you stated about Trauma; if you have a question that reads "... patient with a amputated arm, profuse bleeding (although, probably highly unlikely) and a closed facture of thefemur..." with choices such as: a) Control the...
  2. thowle

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Not really sure... but, I would say under Trauma or Medical that ABC's should be followed. Your circulation (c) of blood isn't worth much if you aren't breating (b) and actively exchanging oxygen; and you can't breath or exchange oxygen if you don't have a patent airway (a). Which means...
  3. thowle

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Did the NREMT TRS not give you subject matter in-which likely casued your failure? Check your e-mail from the NREMT, as there should be a category listing with your percentile rating, thus allowing you to know what to study. Overall, don't read too much into the questions the NREMT throws at...
  4. thowle

    Is Ridryder still alive?

    Life is not fair. Life is not easy. Life is not nice. Get over it. Who cares if the administrators told him to get lost? Who cares if the administrators encouraged him to overlook the others on here bashing his posts? Does it really matter? -- No, it doesn't. He is not here right now...
  5. thowle

    911 Text Alerts

    We are actually custom developing a solution that constantly monitors the frequency and when the PL is detected, it records a specified period of time and then sends it either as a text message with a # to call that gives recording, or calls the phone. Would be pretty neat to get a...
  6. thowle

    EMS-I (Instructor) Question

    Anyone know much about getting EMS-I (EMT-FR & B Instructor) certification in Kentucky through KBEMS? I'm thinking about trying to get EMS-I; so far what I see is that all you have to do is teach 5 lectures, and 5 skills, and attend 75% of the classes to assist and then if the lead instructor...
  7. thowle

    nurse killed, off duty firefighter and cop wounded

    That's just 100% ridiculous. I know the thought-pattern-approach I have is probably a little off from what I should be thinking; but I can only imagine how the firefighter feels, or will feel about his girlfriend being shot. I know if it was me, I'd very severly pissed. People are such...
  8. thowle

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Guess I always neglected to post here. My name is Travis, and I'm been clean for almost 3 years!... okay well -- the Travis part is true (really, I'm clean!). Anyway, I'm an EMT -- got it back in 2007. I'm a software developer for an IT company and part time EMT at a local agency running...
  9. thowle

    Handy Trauma Shears

    hmm, you may be on to something there... SnickerGiggle Enterprises
  10. thowle

    Stay or Go

    Kill Him..... accidental overdose of.. adenosine? :ph34r:
  11. thowle

    I need pants...

    I got a pair of ****ies the other day, that isn't measured in large or x-large, but rather your actualy waist, inseam, etc. Got them, and.. wearing them today.. they are almost skin tight when I sit down lol, guess all of the emt pants fit tight like this; anyone elses?
  12. thowle

    I need pants...

    And... your grade in class is an "A", right? :P just kidding
  13. thowle

    What are you getting set up for ths winter?

    I'm just hoping we don't have another Ice Storm in KY like we did in January of this year. Ref. - Kentucky Hit Hard by Deadly Ice Storm ( - Kentucky's Ice Storm Worse in Aftermath...
  14. thowle

    Quick asthma scenario q from school...

    You be right though ;) What I initially said would be anaphylactic.
  15. thowle

    Quick asthma scenario q from school...

    That could be correct; but what I meant was allergen stimulated asthma, otherwise known as "Allergic (extrinsic) Asthma".
  16. thowle

    New NBC series "Trauma" this fall

    Well... they did have a new LP15 on the roof of that building though :)
  17. thowle

    Quick asthma scenario q from school...

    How many times per minute were you breathing? What was the breath like? Solid inhale, decreased exhale? What was Sp02? It all depends on what the real situation was and is... From my understanding, in an alergic asthma reaction of course the smooth muscles constrict causing the airway to...
  18. thowle

    A proper 12 lead would've done wonders.

    Not a medic, but hard for me to see and ST elevation??
  19. thowle

    Career Change

    Sounds like we were/are in the same type of helicopter here (or... boat, if you prefer B)). None the less, I'm currently a Software Development Engineer as well, and feel the same way; however mine is more of a physical type reward than anything; in the context of "sitting behind a computer all...
  20. thowle

    Trouble with BP enroute

    We have old Lifepak 12's... don't think they have the NIBP system... but then again, I've been wrong before.