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    Research Study about Patient Death in the Prehospital Emergency Medicine Setting

    That's a good question. I am a Georgia licensed AEMT, and I have two years experience with a quick response service through my university.
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    Challenge Coins

    This sounds like a great way to reward medics. I'm at a university, and this would be a great way for us to show appreciation.
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    Research Study about Patient Death in the Prehospital Emergency Medicine Setting

    Hi everyone, I am a student researcher at Emory University performing a study about paramedics’ and EMTs’ response to death in the prehospital emergency medicine setting. As a form of data collection, I am using a completely anonymous online survey, which is at the link below. You will be...
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    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Introduction Hi everybody, My name is Alison, and I am a 21 year old Advanced EMT. I've been volunteering for two years through my university, both as an EMT and as a Supervisor, and I have enjoyed every minute of it. Now, I am looking for a job in the health care field and trying to obtain...