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  1. realmedics

    Old inferior wall mi or Anterior fascicular block?

    I know! I don't know about you, but I run into ER docs who aren't familiar with Sgarbossa criteria... I figured that would be mandatory for all docs, but one ER doc said "yeah if I see a LBBB I just consult." Must be nice lol.
  2. realmedics

    Old inferior wall mi or Anterior fascicular block?

    You know, I read the forum post, shared the link, and then went back and re-read it... you're right, I not feeling it either. I like your link better. And touche re: Dubin.
  3. realmedics

    Old inferior wall mi or Anterior fascicular block?

    I had the same question a couple of months ago on a pt with a wacky ECG. I found a website (it's for doc students prepping for USMLE) that has some actual examples and criteria that helped me then and I bookmarked it. Here is the link...
  4. realmedics

    National Reg recert vs. state license recert

    Only if your employer requires it. Most local agencies don't. Most national or international agencies do. Just remember to keep up the CE requirements for your state cert, which is different from the NR CE requirements.
  5. realmedics

    How many 2 job guys around here?

    I agree with everyone else - you'll be hard pressed to find medics that are only holding one job. However, the second or third job doesn't HAVE to be in EMS... as others have indicated, many medics will work a completely different type of job on their days off. Be careful of burnout... just...