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    the 100% directionless thread

    Ha most certainly not.

    the 100% directionless thread

    Well... watch out on the road ladies and gents. Ya boy is now driving the fire engine...

    the 100% directionless thread

    Huh? I need you to dumb that down so I can understand... preferably drawn in red crayon.

    the 100% directionless thread

    Jim, you are dangerously close to the "my NREMT shut off at question #__ did I pass?" style posts. I'm sure you did fine buddy.

    the 100% directionless thread

    I typically do, but it goes the opposite way and then I get a forced vacation from here.

    the 100% directionless thread

    Try being an OU fan... Boomer Sooner.

    the 100% directionless thread

    Wait... you actually get sleep? Must be nice.

    California Board of Pharmacy and fire fighters

    CA firefighter here, never even heard of it until now.

    the 100% directionless thread

    In the 100% directionless thread... c'mon Rob, let the thread stay true to its non-EMS related topics.
  10. CALEMT

    How old is too old to start?

    If you're knock knock knocking on Heavens door I probably wouldn't. But early 30's? Hell, I know new probie firefighters older than that.
  11. CALEMT

    the 100% directionless thread

    It died with the advent of transitional attack... either make an interior push and take some heat or setup defensive.
  12. CALEMT

    Which US Presidential Candidate is More Pro-EMS?

    Personally I don't vote professionally. My job is a government job and with the laws in place I cannot make less money than what I currently make nor can I lose my retirement. It's signed into state law. I vote personally, I vote with what aligns with my ethics, morals, and beliefs. I believe we...
  13. CALEMT

    Which US Presidential Candidate is More Pro-EMS?

    And higher taxes on tobacco and Zyn's...
  14. CALEMT

    How do you treat this.

    So assuming the 12 lead shows AFib RVR, I would give a 250 bolus PRN. Emphasis on PRN, the pressure is great considering the wide range of heart rate. I would treat the CP as stated in the OP and consider fentanyl if it doesn't subside. What I have available to me as options for the AFib is...
  15. CALEMT

    World War Two ambulance preserved for years to come

    AMR would run that as a frontline ALS unit.
  16. CALEMT

    the 100% directionless thread

    Or Stalin with literally anyone... I will say though... that picture is hard AF... get grazed by a bulled that misses your temple by millimeters, tell your secret service agents to wait while you put your shoes on, put your fist into the air and say "fight" into the mic as you walk off the...
  17. CALEMT

    When to get patient contact information

    In the prehospital setting its simply "small" talk while I'm assessing/treating. It's nothing to ask for a drivers license or ID which will have 90% of the info you will need. I must be misunderstanding your question or it's just that basic that I'm having trouble comprehending it. If time...
  18. CALEMT

    When to get patient contact information

    Shouldn't you be doing documentation on every patient? Perhaps in the form of a patient care report (PCR)?
  19. CALEMT

    the 100% directionless thread

    Republican, Democrat, Independent, Moderate, Green Party or whatever your political affiliation is. This is a former US President and as an American this should not stand. Right, wrong, or indifferent. Love him or hate him. Violence against an individual that has a different opinion than yours...
  20. CALEMT

    the 100% directionless thread

    That must be nice. I remember AMR days in the So CAL desert where the back of the rig would be 90+ with the A/C on… blowing lukewarm of course because it can’t keep up with the 115+ temps outside.