Search results

  1. I

    Driving record

    Cool. That ish had me worried. Yea the dude I hit got the police involved. I have no idea why; there was zero damage. He had the cops come to the scene and that's how I got my ticket. I was not happy, to say the least. But I put a smile on my face and behaved well as any decent EMT would do.
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    Driving record

    So I'm in the application process hoping to launch an EMS career. A bit worried about my driving record. I have a fender bender with a "following too close" ticket attached to it. Basically I was drinking coffee during a traffic jam, hit a pothole, spilled it on myself, and bumped into the...
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    Do EMT jobs even exist? Where do I find them?

    I am currently an EMT student planning to transition directly into a career following my cert. Just to see what job opportunities I'll have, I did a job search for my state on I got 4 hits. Two EMT jobs and two firefighting jobs (a few more ER tech jobs, all of which have...
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    Best type of job history for a starting EMT

    Thanks for the replies! Very informative. I'm going to be applying across my state for EMT-B jobs. I'm ready for the most rigorous job hunt of my life.
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    Best type of job history for a starting EMT

    Thanks! Yea I figured if anything could help it would be customer service. It's good to know that certification may take me far enough. I'll look for anything that involves interaction with John Q. Public.
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    Best type of job history for a starting EMT

    Hi all. I'm just about to start my EMT course, and I was wondering, what kind of job history will help me as a starting EMT? I'm young, and don't have much work experience aside from a few temp jobs I worked while I was taking a break from school. These involved light industrial/general...
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    Misdemeanor, should I even keep going?

    Just curious, if asked about my petty theft in an interview, should I say "Sorry I stole beer. Can I please follow my dreams now?" :P
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    Misdemeanor, should I even keep going?

    I do have some volunteer work under my belt. I did volunteer for the VA helping a college professor set up a veteran's museum. Perhaps I can give him a call and get back in there. I've made friends with one or two of my professors while in school, and I've maintained a 3.65 GPA (good, yea?). I...
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    Misdemeanor, should I even keep going?

    If I volunteer for AmeriCorps or the PeaceCorps long enough, it will make you less afraid of me stealing your stuff?
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    Misdemeanor, should I even keep going?

    And how does one demonstrate better character? Should I spend time volunteering somewhere?
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    An uphill battle

    I'm just being a bit dramatic. This is my dream, so I'm going to chase it. I'll do everything in my power to clean up my record, and I sure as sh@! will never be arrested again.
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    An uphill battle

    It is possible, and it's a good idea. Here's the problem: The healthcare field loves their FBI background checks. They probably use the NCIC more than licensed firearm dealers do. You can pay a lawyer handsomely to vacate, seal, and expunge away anything you want. But a simple NCIC search will...
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    An uphill battle

    I'm 23. It's been 4 years since I was convicted. Long enough to prove that I'm no habitual criminal.
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    An uphill battle

    When I was 18, I got drunk. Got caught. MIP. When I was 19, I got drunk and stole beer. Theft III. I didn't think much of it at the time, because I was young(er) and stupid. Figured, who cares? It's just a misdemeanor. But as I got older and actually tried to enroll in various education...
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    Another "Should I be an EMT" post.

    Thank you again for your replies! As far as ems being as tedious as a factory job.... I understand that you may run several non emergency calls in a row. It still can't be as tedious as feeding graphics into a machine for 8 straight hours. There's just no way. I've worked fast food, and even...
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    Another "Should I be an EMT" post.

    Great feedback! Thanks guys/gals! It isn't so much the Bi Polar that I'm worried about. That's surprisingly easy to control for me. It's more the OCD. It's an anxiety disorder and as such, symptoms can be triggered by stress. It isn't that I don't think I'll be able to care for a patient...
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    Another "Should I be an EMT" post.

    So I'm 23 years old without much direction or idea where I want to go in life. I've been going to college on and off for 3 years, taking classes only to finish the quarter and start working full time again due to lost interest or lack of direction. Rinse and repeat. I've taken a number of...