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    How much does an EMT-Basic Makes in Sacramento California?

    Hi to those EMTs that work in Sacramento, i was wondering whats the average hourly wage for an EMT basic in Sacramento California
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    Care ambulance San Diego Orientation

    so if they treated you so bad and like a piece of trash like your saying? why were you so dumb to even stay there for 1.5 year? haha pfff i would have been gone since the first month hahaha
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    Medfleet ambulance?

    Does anybody has any feedback or information about this ambulance service company in San Diego? has anybody worked for them before? (: Thank You
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    Express Ambulance, La Mesa?

    Hi im having an interview with express ambulance this week, i was looking tk see if you guys had any tips as to what i should be expecting? questions they might ask me? also some feedback about their management and all that, Thank You so much
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    CARE Ambulance Reviews

    i know there was a thread already! but that was like 2 years ago? whats the problem if i want to ask the same question a thousand times anyways?
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    AMR Retake Application test

    Hi so i went and took my application test with AMR but i failed it i got 23 wrong, they told me i could go and retake it again, do you guys think if i pass it the second time they will still consider my application after failing it once? or do you think it would just be a waste of time? Thanks.
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    CARE Ambulance Reviews

    Hi i was looking to see if any of you guys that have worked with CARE Ambulance in San Diego had some feedback about them, weather it is good or bad, just try to be objective please, also if you guys know how much they are paying to starting EMT's. Thank You!
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    Best Paying Companies to apply in San Diego

    Hi im new to the website, im about to start applying to obtain a job as an EMT-1 in san diego, and wanted to know if you guys can reccomend any companies? and why? also do you guys know if any companies are hiring at the moment? and if possible whats their entry level hourly wage? Thank you...