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  1. medicconnor

    Nitro spray on skin before IV

    yep, nitro works transdermal, not a good idea just get better at your IV skills.
  2. medicconnor

    Why are Paramedics paid so little?

  3. medicconnor

    paramedic burnout causes and "cures"

    that sucks, I work with some great people on my shift, but I have been in that spot at least its not 24 hours.
  4. medicconnor

    paramedic burnout causes and "cures"

    I think the cure a lot of times is people just taking some time off. There are some in this field who do not and never really loved the field. I have found it is not the patients that make me feel as burned out BS or not, as much as the people you work for not supporting or helping to improve...
  5. medicconnor

    Why are Paramedics paid so little?

    I feel that in some states Paramedics get paid correctly for what they are allowed to preform, I feel in more agressive states that they get paid way to little. I personally think that Nurses as a whole have made themselves appear to be more valuable in the world and they have as a unit be...
  6. medicconnor

    When and When not to start IVs/saline Locks.

    Often times in EMS a IV in general is to establish access incase something becomes worse, Generally if you are going ALS a PT you will start a IV unless your being lazy (witch we are all guilty of).... On the subject of ABD pain, we are required to preform 12-leads on them to rule out MI...
  7. medicconnor

    CPAP in ASTHMA? Absolute contraindication?

    I use CPAP with inline Neb, Some sort of Steriod and even go the point of using SQ epi, or A Mag Sulfate drip often on bad Patients, I have only seen Patients improve from this treatment.
  8. medicconnor

    Flight Nurse/Flight Paramedic

    I have all of the above, I am not allowed to PM either but send me a email my user name