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  1. B

    Cataldo Ambulance Hiring Open House

    Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.
  2. B

    Cataldo Ambulance Hiring Open House

    Congrats guys! I also marked my schedule as available any time :)
  3. B

    Cataldo Ambulance Hiring Open House

    I just got the same email :)
  4. B

    Cataldo Ambulance Hiring Open House

    Yeah, I agree, thank you. I think I'll give them a call on Monday.
  5. B

    Cataldo Ambulance Hiring Open House

    I sat in my car in the parking lot for a while (I got there wicked early) and when I got in there, 15 mins early, there were only 3-4 seats left open.
  6. B

    Cataldo Ambulance Hiring Open House

    I was thinking the same. I think there were about 25 people in my session as well (I was in the afternoon session).
  7. B

    Cataldo Ambulance Hiring Open House

    Yeah, I think you're right. Just hope it doesn't take too much longer to hear back. I'm wondering if I shouldn't call on Monday if I haven't heard anything by then.
  8. B

    Cataldo Ambulance Hiring Open House

    Yeah, not hearing from them had me overthinking everything too. I feel better knowing that I'm not the only one that hasn't heard back yet though.
  9. B

    Cataldo Ambulance Hiring Open House

    Has anyone heard back yet?
  10. B

    Cataldo Ambulance Hiring Open House

    Well I was there today and I think it went pretty well, guess I'll find out in a week or so.
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    Cataldo Ambulance Hiring Open House

    Yeah, I figured that's what you meant...I was just thinking they wanted to know if you knew the route off the top of your head.
  12. B

    Cataldo Ambulance Hiring Open House

    Oh ok, I was thinking more along the lines of "driving from x to y, what would be the fastest route" kind of thing.
  13. B

    Cataldo Ambulance Hiring Open House

    Thanks, I think I'll probably go for business casual, I hate feeling under-dressed for these kinds of things. I'm from the south shore so I'm not too familiar with the metro Boston and north shore areas, anything specific I should study to prepare for the map portion?
  14. B

    Cataldo Ambulance Hiring Open House

    I'm registered for the test. Anything else I should know/expect when I go in? The only thing she told me was to bring my credentials and a copy of my driving record. I meant to ask but (of course) forgot, should I be dressed as though I were going to an interview or is it more informal? Thanks!
  15. B

    Cataldo Ambulance Hiring Open House

    What does the testing involve?
  16. B

    Cataldo Ambulance Hiring Open House

    Thanks for the info, definitely going to check it out :)
  17. B

    New EMT-B in Mass

    I really wish I could go for that one, unfortunately an hour and a half, 82 mile commute is just too far for me. Thanks though!
  18. B

    New EMT-B in Mass

    I already applied to Eascare, and AMR's only available EM-B position seems to be out in Springfield. I called AMR to see what they would say and they comfirmed that the only openings are what's on their site. I haven't applied to Alert yet mainly because their application isn't online. It...
  19. B

    New EMT-B in Mass

    I'm not completely sure yet. Eventually I would at least like to get certified as a medic, but I know I'll have to get a good amount of experience first. Wow, I guess that idea is out then.
  20. B

    New EMT-B in Mass

    The hospital closest to me is Jordan, after that probably Tobey, then Cape Cod and South Shore. I think I'll at least apply to those and see if anything comes of it.