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  1. J

    funny joke

    a man walked into a bar... (waiting for laughter)
  2. J

    EMTLIFE is addictive...

    This is my new Facebook. I love reading everyones stories and suggestions. :)
  3. J

    New EMT

    apply to every ambulance company around you. i seriously suggest working for a transport service for a starter. you'll learn how to interact with Pts and basic care, you'll get tons of practice doing vitals, drive the ambulance, do reports, write narratives, etc. jumping into 911 is for the big...
  4. J

    The inside of your rigg

    I know! Right?! Evidently this is real. They converted a bus in Dubai. A bus and and ER had sex and this is what they birthed!
  5. J

    Did I do everything I could have/did I do anything wrong?

    totally agree... and Blessed, i wasn't trying to be mean. just trying to explain where everyone else is coming from. do what you think is right, but do it smart and safe
  6. J

    The inside of your rigg

    i meant look at this rig
  7. J

    The inside of your rigg

    haha, wait... i don't know how to attach the photo. did it post?
  8. J

    The inside of your rigg

    look at this rig
  9. J

    Did I do everything I could have/did I do anything wrong?

    you opened the door for criticism upon yourself. you need to learn not to be so defensive and come to terms that other peoples opinions might be right. ultimately, everyone here that responded was trying to help you, not bash on you. try being a little more open-minded if you're going to ask...
  10. J

    Paramedic prep in Indiana?

    Pelham Training in Bloomington? Thats where I went for my EMT-B training. They have Medic classes too.
  11. J

    You might work for a private if.....

    haha, resistance is futile
  12. J

    Mechanical Principles

    I encourage any and all to brush up on Mechanical Principles for the sake of your own health not to mention your fellow crew members. I know it sounds boring and tedious but it really sheds light onto the everyday things that you do during your shift or at home. Using mechanical advantage to...
  13. J

    automated sphygmomanometer

    thanks for replying; however, this thread should be deleted due to the fact that its been discussed already. sorry to all those who view this thread. search for automated cuffs for those of you who are interested in what i was trying to find. blame it on the new guy (me)
  14. J

    "Are you Nervous or Anxious? QUICK! Your life depends on which one!"

    we americans are too blame people get confused about this because most commonly we say people are anxious when they are really nervous. these words are so closely related to each other but both have very different meanings. ignorance is the culprit here
  15. J

    automated sphygmomanometer

    I just started at an ambulance transport service. I know im not the only one who finds it difficult to hear or feel a pulse on geriatric Pt.s so i was wondering if anyone uses automated bp wrist or arm units. My company wont supply it but i figure if i can find a decent one that isn't too...