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  1. mainevent1536

    Good news and Bad news

    Congrats nemedic, let us know it all goes!
  2. mainevent1536

    BSI or Scene Safety...Which comes first?

    Scene safety, then BSI. Scene Safety from the time you role up on a scene and your still in your rig. BSI is the next step once the scene is safe and your ready to take on the patient.
  3. mainevent1536


    Congrats and best of luck!
  4. mainevent1536

    Massachuetts places hiring/Information needed?

    The job pool is over saturated as the others have said, however there are jobs out there. Its just about sending out apps and making an impression. I went through the Northeastern program and many of the TAs work for different ambulance services in the area. They'll make for good contacts and...
  5. mainevent1536

    JEMS article: EMT or Paramedic?

    I like the idea of the name "medic". It's something most if not all people would understand and would be a great way of unifying EMS under one title
  6. mainevent1536

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Hey Everyone! My name's Sam, I'm 22 yrs old and I'm fresh out of my emt class. Been lurking for a few months, so finally decided to join up. Along with being an emt, I am also a pre-med student, who will be starting up med school next year!