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  1. H

    How is the whole "partner practicing IV injection on you" thing?

    How do they usually train you with the epipens? Just on a dummy? Or do they have empty ones that you practice on each other?
  2. H

    How is the whole "partner practicing IV injection on you" thing?

    I havnt even started the class yet. I heard there was a part where you get a partner and you practice injecting something, which i assumed was IVs? Maybe im wrong?
  3. H

    How is the whole "partner practicing IV injection on you" thing?

    TBH im kinda worried about that part of EMT-B class. What if he messes up and I lose a lot of blood lol? Do people generally have trouble with this part? Is this later on in the course when you are trained well and its real easy and effortless?
  4. H

    Interested in EMT-B, but how do i get used to the gore

    No I know but its my first obstacle. Wow thats kinda worrying. Dont know how I would feel about someone inexperienced sticking me with a needle but i guess at that point we should know how to do it correctly. I actually volunteered at the ER during senior year of high school. Back then...
  5. H

    Question regarding EMT-B class clinical rotations

    Alright this is good to hear. As long as weekends are generally available il be fine. Between finding time for the gym and going to class, my weekdays are gonna be packed probably.
  6. H

    Interested in EMT-B, but how do i get used to the gore

    lol the perforated colostomy sounds like a good time. How do you guys think I will do if I can look at pictures of gruesome stuff just fine(im talking decubitus ulcers, compound fractures, prolapsed rectums etc etc.)? Im really excited to take the course but i really cant say im 100...
  7. H

    Question regarding EMT-B class clinical rotations

    Hey guys, another question for you. So i registered for an EMT B class next semester. Problem is, im still taking other classes for my undergrad degree. When I registered for the EMT class, it just says its 2 days a week from 9 to 12:30. I know it is supposed to include ER clinicals and...
  8. H

    Interested in EMT-B, but how do i get used to the gore

    haha ive been doing that a lot recently
  9. H

    Interested in EMT-B, but how do i get used to the gore

    Ok that gives me hope. Is this normal among aspiring EMTs? The anxiety about gore in general i mean, not little phobias like you were talking about. Im worried when I take my EMT class next semester , all my classmates will be fearless and unphased by gore while I can barely get through it. I...
  10. H

    Interested in EMT-B, but how do i get used to the gore

    Thats probably a good idea. Ive watched a ton of autopsy videos on youtube to try to get used to it and they dont phase me at all. Is there really a big difference between videos and real life?
  11. H

    Interested in EMT-B, but how do i get used to the gore

    Thanks for the responses guys. I should add, im not worried about the emotional aspect of the job, even though its very real. Im more worried about my physical reactions. I really dont wanna be the guy that passes out or throws up. Emotional trauma is something I can live with, but I dont want...
  12. H

    Interested in EMT-B, but how do i get used to the gore

    I figured it would be something like that. Im the kind of person that would enjoy talking and joking around with patients so I think i wouldnt have a problem at all with the small cases. That 10 percent still kinda worries me though.
  13. H

    Interested in EMT-B, but how do i get used to the gore

    On paper EMT B is something I really wanna do. But in practice, I dont know if i can actually handle the sights and smells of a gruesome death. How do I prepare myself for this? I plan on taking the class anyway. I really dont wanna be a coward but I just dont know if il pass out or break down.