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  1. Pneumothorax

    So i have a question... EMT-B Handling Meds

    So right now i function as an EMT-B(non transporting FD), I recently went on a call where my pt was seizing, when the Paramedics arrived.. i gave verbal report and assisted them in pt care. The medic asked me to draw up the versed , while he was starting the line and asking the pt more...
  2. Pneumothorax

    Hip Fx vs Hip dislocation...

    i had a call today for an 87 y/o F GLF. Upon examining her i noticed that her Left leg was bent and she couldnt straighten it, & when i checked her pelvis i felt a protrusion. (that wasnt on the R side) now i know when a pt has a hip fx the leg is shortened and externally rotated. i...
  3. Pneumothorax

    just out of curiosity...

    are the nremt cbt's given any day of the week? i hope they arent on a weekend , because my job sucks and wont allow me to request weekends off (only days i work) to take the exam :(