Search results

  1. AJ Hidell

    Sex with partners

    No, I'm not asking for the sex of your partner. That would be wrong. Do you have a regular partner, who is not your spouse, that you are having sex with? Let's face it; this happens more than anyone wants to admit. I'm not asking for any confessions here. Just vote in the poll so we can see...
  2. AJ Hidell

    How Clean Is Your Stethoscope?

    This ties well into the current discussion here about cleaning our equipment.The Prevalence of MRSA Transmission by Stethoscope Keith Wesley, MD, FACEP Street Science 2009 Mar 9 The authors of this study swabbed 50 stethoscopes of EMS providers presenting to their emergency department (ED)...
  3. AJ Hidell

    Pointless Radio Terms

    There is no aspect of EMS where the pointless "monkey see - monkey do" culture exists than in radio communications. There are so many things that people say on the radio for no other reason than that's what they heard someone else say, without ever giving a single intelligent thought to why...
  4. AJ Hidell

    Study: Most Children Strongly Oppose Healthcare

    Shocking study reveals the truth. Most Children Strongly Opposed to Healthcare
  5. AJ Hidell

    What should we do to improve EMS

    The system is broken, and it can't be fixed. Don't waste any time or effort trying. Let it collapse, forcing your community leaders to join the 20th century and provide full-time professional EMS. It's the best thing you can do for your community. And that's who this should be all about, right?
  6. AJ Hidell

    Firemen Arrested on Drug Charges

    This from here in my area, where nothing the firemen do surprises me anymore. :rolleyes:,0,3136879.story2 St. Lucie County firefighters arrested on marijuana charges Joe Crankshaw | Two St. Lucie County...