Search results

  1. sir.shocksalot

    Rural/Metro-Pridemark Union

    This thread is mostly for current employees of Rural/Metro-Pridemark that might be lurkers or simply browsing through the forum. I want to first out myself as an employee of Rural/Metro-Pridemark, if you know me in real life a little browsing through my post history and you'll know who I am...
  2. sir.shocksalot

    Fines for readmit patients and EMS

    Just read this article today: I personally believe this would be an excellent opportunity, particularly for hospital based EMS, or private EMS to contract with hospitals and really start pushing for community...
  3. sir.shocksalot

    System Protocols shirts

    Has anyone seen the system protocols shirts? I see ads for them on Facebook so I clicked to have a look... Well you can tell some hosemonkey douche made them. A lot of the descriptive text for the shirts is largely negative and derogatory to EMS and clearly shows this guys disdain for EMS on the...
  4. sir.shocksalot

    Paramedic-led research

    I wanted to gather some people's thoughts and just start a discussion regarding Paramedic-led research. By this I mean peer-reviewed research/journal articles that were entirely written and conducted by Paramedics. Does anyone currently participate or have begun conducting studies relating to...
  5. sir.shocksalot

    How can you guys stay in EMS?

    I had an epiphany today. Maybe it's been in the works for a while and it just hit me today: Why do I keep doing this job? I think I know why. I love the work, but I hate the job. The job is now getting so bad that I just can't stomach the work anymore. I like my employer, I do, but I hate the...
  6. sir.shocksalot

    American Paramedic moving to Australia

    I am a paramedic in Colorado working for, in my opinion, the world's worst EMS system, and in my search for bigger and better things I keep looking at becoming a Paramedic in Australia. I am an Australian citizen by birth so moving back isn't the issue, my concern is getting a job and performing...
  7. sir.shocksalot

    Massachusetts Paramedic school

    I have always been looking into moving to Massachusetts and I am thinking of maybe going to Paramedic school out there instead of going to the school I'm about to go to. I work for AMR out here in Colorado and am thinking of moving with AMR out to Mass, and going to NCTI out in Massachusetts, I...