Search results

  1. B

    Anxious and very nervous

    Passed nremt-p, passed jobs new hire requirements and have been released as a paramedic. I am really nervous all day. Slow station, moving to busier station soon for trial by fire. Worked as emt-b for two years no anxiety regarded very high as emt. Was emt FTO. Did well in school. How do I make...
  2. B

    Cold shoulder at clinicals?

    Does anyone else get the cold shoulder at clinicals? Mainly the hospital? I do my ambulance ride outs with the company I work for and love it. I know the best medics to ride with and they are very helpful and informative. I do recall though when I rode out with some of the same crews during my...
  3. B

    Education tools for red patch?

    Any advice on additional tools to help aid in my quest for a red patch? I am currently entering the second semester of my paramedic school. My school does not have the greatest success precentage for the national registry. I attribute alot to the laziness of students and lack of effort. I was...
  4. B

    East Texas paramedic schools\options?

    Recently joined a rural ambulance service in East Texas. Will one day be making amove to medic. Not a real good market right now (at least with this company, full with medics). Anyways love it so far as EMT but cannot make career]support family on EMT salary, plus would love to have the skills...
  5. B

    Re-cert for NREMT?

    Sorry if asked many times ,but this will be my first time to recert for NREMT. I still have 2 years for Texas state cert. 1) It states we need 72 hours (24 refresher and 48 ce). I work for an ambulance service in Texas and I know they offer in house BLS recert and other classes for CE. Do we...
  6. B

    Fall for newbie

    Had a 84 y/o f fall. On route to call location (VFD) call was cancelled by security (private community). Security cannot cancell call. Anyways, just recently completed EMT course and NREMT pass. Show up to scene to find pt laying on floor by couch (laying on pillows by couch) waiting for...