Search results

  1. thowle

    Trouble with BP enroute

    Pretty sure we don't have a monitor that will get BP -- may be wrong though.
  2. thowle

    Best Boots?

    lol, that's true.
  3. thowle

    Trouble with BP enroute

    Situation: ~75 y/o female, c/c CVA/TIA. Initial BP taken by medic on scene, was something like 225/180 maybe(ish); gave labaterol IV, and then I went to re-acquire BP.. after 5 tries of not being able to hear anything, I try to palp... and can't feel anything either... Medic decides to give...
  4. thowle

    Best Boots?

    Personal Opinion -- but I disagree with the steel toe; or maybe it was just because of the pair I had but everytime I'd crouch and go to bend my foot upwards, with my toes on the ground, the steel-toe part would feel like it was cutting into my foot; not a good feeling; especially when you...
  5. thowle

    Epinephrine Error

    Computers are good for a lot of things. In an emergency situation where time counts, it may not always be 100% time effective to use the computer.. however, I suppose that we could always develop a system where there would be a touchscreen LCD mounted near the primary shelf in the back...
  6. thowle

    Desk Job to EMS/Paramedic

    If it counts, I'm going from a full-time software developer position to also having a part-time EMT position at our local EMS, that runs somewhere around 1,200 calls a year (estimate).
  7. thowle

    Test Day - Your Stories?

    Mine is 32!!! But then again, I just did it for 30 seconds and didn't multiply ;)
  8. thowle

    Dispatched: Unknown Incident

    On Scene: Suction airway, establish; re-evaluate airway and breating; bag valve, OPA, c-spine, move to ambulance... In Ambulance (enroute to ED): Intubate (failed 3 times), King Airway LTD, 100% Oxygen, Bag Valve -- I guess he's breating 30/m now, or still 4/m? Either way -- BVM. Keep eye...
  9. thowle

    Gun on scene ? / n00b student question

    I know you don't mean it the way my response makes it seem; but I'd highly re-think that logic. Camera phone can/will get you into trouble!
  10. thowle

    Topic paper for Medic Class

    Various medications casuing positive and negative inotropic and chrnotropic affects. Never mind; didn't see that post.
  11. thowle

    Querry Patient simulators

    Well, are you wanting to design and develop a 3D interactive simulator, or a 2D Graphics and text only simlator? Right now I'm making a patient simulator for EMTPortal that will have just general graphics for the scene, and give you options on what to do with the patient. When you're done it...
  12. thowle

    Querry Patient simulators

    Write the simulator using a 3D engine ;). In the process of doing this now; something like ZeroHour, but more interactive.
  13. thowle

    Epi Drips
  14. thowle

    Transcutaneous Cardiac Pacing w/ Bradyarrhythmic

    So I've got a question on Transcutaneous Cardiac Pacing for a patient with symptomatic bradycardia rythm. So I'm probably wrong on this whole thought process so correct me if I am; but if you're going the non-invasive asynchronous pacing route on a PT, once you connect and verify connection...
  15. thowle

    Project Ideas (something of use)

    Private message sent to you MMiz.
  16. thowle

    Project Ideas (something of use)

    Hey everyone, Weird forum to be posting in about this huh? Anyway, I need some ideas for a project that you all would like that I will design and develop. is a great community, but what can you think of that would be helpful to you or something that you would spend a bunch of...
  17. thowle

    EMT-B license for nothing...

    Want really doing it as a hobby; was doing it and enjoying the FF/soon EMT on a volunteer department. But as I said, that was the only reason I was doing the EMT classes was to better the community where I volunteered on the fire department.
  18. thowle

    EMT-B license for nothing...

    I know, I don't blame anyone else. I just got busy with work (software development). Yeah, I was going to get a job but at the time all of this was happening I ended up getting another job as a software developer (which I do enjoy more). The whole fire department thing was really just a...
  19. thowle

    How many lights is too many?

    The reason I say faster is because of the traffic.... around here when they see lights and hear the siren they seem to "freak out" and either stop in the middle of the road, drive slower and TRY to pull over, or just ignore us... where as if you go code 1, they drive nice and smooth just as normal.