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  1. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    So not onky do we have to wait till next week but we have to wait till Tuesday! Because Monday is a holiday! 4 days till start of calling ya think?
  2. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates

  3. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    Hahahahaha im talking my husbands ear off about it. Hes at the point where he now thinks its all a pipe dream and I wont get called. He said its taking too long.. I said welcome to the city.
  4. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    I googled it and found a lot of info in the fdny website in regards to the hiring and application process
  5. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates Keep checking this website every week for the exam. Not sure exactly when in September they are posting it up but just keep checking every week to keep up to date with the exams
  6. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    Best of luck to you! You should put yourself on the list anyway. You never know! The next exam comes out this September. Gotta file for the civil service exam on the website.
  7. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    I know exactly what you mean. I have a 2 year old little girl
  8. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    Lol if you love where you are now dont leave it. As I tell everyone do what makes you happy. Id you love your job and love doing what you do best then you will never work a day in your life.. with the fdny salary it doesn't include meal money and OT. And I plan on getting a lot of OT... well...
  9. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    You dont have to wear the vest every year. Only the initial "hiring" test
  10. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    Lmfaoooo!!! Your probably right. :rofl:
  11. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    I wouldn't think that many to be honest because if people really wanted this job they would be extra careful about the drug test.
  12. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    Only one way we will find out! Is by having patience. ...
  13. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    Dont forget to factor in those who have been disqualified or turned fdny down. We have no idea how many that number may be...
  14. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    With this class thats starting September they will most likely stop mid 300s
  15. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    I was told by someone I did the process that im keeping in touch with; who called his investigator and they said they will start to call the first week of September. However, one of my partners who has finished everything like I did called her investigator and she told me her investigator said...
  16. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    I just called DCAS and they haven't started calling people yet because they stated the last appointed number was 69 on exam 3024 out of 1315 candidates
  17. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    Hey help you. They are very nice about it. Oh and random question. ... do you think that if we call dcas they will state what number they are up too with calling?
  18. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    I have a friend that works at metro tech. Im not exactly sure when the next classes will be
  19. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    They are putting 3 classes through within these next 6 months. Its up to you. Fdny pays for your medic program so your saving money right there. Also if you get into the program are you guaranteed a job out of class? With fdny you get medic school paid for and you have job security.
  20. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    As soon as I let my family know ill be sure to let everyone on here know :)