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  1. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    I know. But once you start getting called, things finally start to speed up... Kinda lol
  2. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    They call you in the order of which you arrive and sign in. So get there super your one of the first to be called from the sign in sheet. Early in. Early out.
  3. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    When you go for the psychological. You have to list stuff starting from 7th grade. No joke.
  4. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    I was there 8:15-3ish
  5. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    Good luck! Keep us posted!
  6. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    Your license becomes clean after 2 years of no accidents or anything... If you want to be safe than sorry. Go on the dmv website or go to the dmv and get a driving abstract. So you can see exactly what they are looking at. If its not there on your abstract then don't worry about it.. whatever IS...
  7. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    You'll be there for approx 2 1/2 hours at most. Mine was 567 true false questions.. that's it. And you gotta fill out their application AGAIN about yourself. It's about your driving record. And your history that dates allll the way back to 7th grade.... No joke.
  8. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    I gave in my transcript and since I had previously opened it they wouldn't accept it however they found my history somehow and they not to worry about it that I was in fact a high school graduate lol its ridiculous.
  9. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    Looks as if we will all finally meet each other this September!
  10. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    No. Just finish the rest of the application and when you get there, explain to need an extra page for that specific section and they with a new one.
  11. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    They will not accept white out applications..... When you get there they give you a good hour to fill in everything or anything you missed....
  12. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    You MUST present an emt card. Or equivalent to your certification to show that you are in fact a current emt. Doesn't necessarily have to be from ny they will explain later during your investigation process everything
  13. JPat86

    fdny ems physical on 3/30/13

    Reschedule! God forbid down the road something happens! Reschedule for the following weekend! If you want this that bad, you will do what's best for YOU. You don't want to push yourself through something and end up hurting yourself and then being forced to getting disqualified.
  14. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    Yes. They started with the first 300 people.. they had to finish the last list that's in this class and took only a few from.our list. They are calling now numbers 400-700 now. Few of my coworkers are going for their physicals and they are 400's, 500's and 600's there are only 150 people per...
  15. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    Don't forget to factor in those who were disqualified and those who turned fdny down to stay within the hospital. They are taking the next 300 on.the list to start their physicals
  16. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    WELL! Classes started today!! Looks like we will all be meeting each other in September!!! They stopped at list 53.... Darn!!
  17. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    Nope........ I'm 87 and last wednesday they were up to 53... I called my investigator last Friday and he he's not allowed to tell me where they are at with the numbers that my folder is still "being reviewed" so at this point I am only assuming I will be in Septembers class being that...
  18. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    That's when I applied!! Okay so they are starting on the new list then! I hope I get called like SOON :(
  19. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    I'm totally freaking out cu I haven't gotten my call yet. Was he on the last list? Or the new list? I'm stressingggg
  20. JPat86

    why is it so difficult finding a job? NYC

    What borough are you in? My company is always hiring.... in staten island there are 3 transport companies that are always looking for people.