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  1. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    Ive never even heard if that before.. have you checked the Internet? Or the fdny ems website?
  2. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    Thats because our files are in reviewing stages of hiring. . When did you go for your medical? I went may 2nd. My investigator told me our files are being reviewed that we are to expect a phone call the first and 2nd week of September. Classes start sept 23rd those who were disqualified didnt...
  3. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    Lol investigator said they are starting the first week of September with getting called.
  4. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    We also dont know how many people were disqualified. Like when I went for my physical. Out of 123 that showed up only 40 passed the stairmaster
  5. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates

  6. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    Holy macaroni thats only 17 numbers away from me!
  7. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    I heard they stopped the last class at number 69 from our list. I also heard that they are taking the next 150 however we dont know who or how many people were disqualified or turned down fdny. So my guesstimation would be stopping in the 300's
  8. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    I called my investigator because I was worried I was going to expire before the class started and he told me not to worry that the class starts September 23rd that I should be good and that I should start hearing from then starting the first week of September. I said thank you very much have a...
  9. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    I opened up a new theead called fdny ems candidates. Check it out
  10. JPat86

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    Hey guys! Its that time again! I just got word yesterday that they have started the file review process for this September 23rd class! Those who are candidates should keep in touch so we can let each other know if weve heard anything or not. They stopped at list number 69 for junes class. I am...
  11. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    Oh wow! I've.never heard of that before! That's wild! Well good luck with everything!!!!!!!
  12. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    The medical is your last step before you get your official call hired. When you go.for your.medical. you will.go through a series of tests. As far as how healthy you are. Chest xray. Blood tests. Ext... This Medical is where toy kuat make their weight requirement based in the doctors...
  13. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    Due to them losing such a vast amount of ems personnel due to fire, they are looking to put through 17 new classes in. He.ce why they are already in the 600's with the agility test. I'm #87 and haven't been called for the September class just yet. They are setting up the classes for 2014...
  14. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    Sorry i don't know why that posted twice. But keep us posted regardless.
  15. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    Just expect something in the mail soon. A coworker of mine is 651 and he didn't receive anytging yet. So I am only assuming you will be getting a letter within this month... They are rushing this list pretty fast.
  16. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    Just expect something in the mail soon. A coworker of mine is 651 and he didn't receive anytging yet. So I am only assuming you will be getting a letter within this month... They are rushing this list pretty fast.
  17. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    My friend just went for his agility test and he was 630
  18. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    Most likely not however I don't know how many people have been disqualified or turned fdny down. If anything you will be in the January class
  19. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    They are looking to rush this list through due to the fact that they are losing 700+ ems workers to the actual fire academy... They are already in the upper 600's with the physical agility testing.... Expect a letter within the next 2 months
  20. JPat86

    fdny emt civil service exam

    They finished with exam 2004 list and started on our exam 3024 They stopped at number 53... For the September class they will be calling numbers starting with 54. 150 per class. A lot of people were disqualified need to factor that in along with those who turned fdny down to stay...