Search results

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    EMT & Paramedic Job Opportunities

    Mike - Check your email. Thanks, Terry
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    EMT & Paramedic Job Opportunities

    Frank and others - Yes we do. Our paramedic clearance process is quite robust, and includes classroom as well as ride time with a field training officer. At the conclusion, you'll be ready to solo. (Check your PMs.) Great question. Thank you, Terry
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    EMT & Paramedic Job Opportunities

    What are your top two? I really enjoy traveling out to Texas and have spent many days in the state recruiting and three years in Wichita Falls at Sheppard AFB while I was still active duty. We really enjoyed that area as well.
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    EMT & Paramedic Job Opportunities

    Indeed, we (Acadian) have the 911 contract for Bexar County and also serve five other Texas Counties and (31 other counties/parishes in Louisiana and Mississippi). We are also expanding in the interfacility market in San Antonio with many new positions. And yes, the San Antonio Fire Dept does...
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    EMT & Paramedic Job Opportunities

    Acadian Ambulance Service is growing again and we have opportunities throughout the service area for both EMT and Paramedics. Today, we need paramedics for San Antonio, TX and a few other areas of the company. With proper timing, we can get you where you want to be across the company. We...
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    Steve - As far as relocating, what area are you interested in? I can tell you today we need...

    Steve - As far as relocating, what area are you interested in? I can tell you today we need paramedics in San Antonio, Texas and Baton Rouge, Louisiana. That being said, we would also work to get you close toothers areas if that is what it took to help you decide. We can generally hold an...
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    Steve - Move to the south and call me at Acadian Ambulance. I recruit and we are hiring....Terry

    Steve - Move to the south and call me at Acadian Ambulance. I recruit and we are hiring....Terry
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    Officially registered for EMT school. not sure what to expect

    Correct Info... Sorry, but for the record, your salary information is not current. You, or anyone else, may contact me for a quote. And yes, I am a recruiter, so I am always available to discuss career opportunities with candidates. We now cover 40 parishes/counties from Texas, Louisiana...
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    Where to Start

    That is one opinion of Louisiana that I disagree with. The National EMS Academy is fully accredited and operates throughout South Louisiana and will graduate about 100 Paramedics and 200 Basics each year. Additionally, Acadian Ambulance Service is always looking for qualified applicants...
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    Aerospace medical apprentice

    Perhaps I misread something, but indeed every Air Force medic (AFSC 4N0xx) is tested and certified at the NREMT-B level. Additionally, they are working on about 300 positions that will be paramedic rated with a special experience indicator. We (see there I go again, forgetting that I just...
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    navy corpsman needs advice/help

    Check out for their specifics. PM me if you have questions.... Good Luck, Terry
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    where are the jobs?

    Acadian has openings.... We are always looking for great medics that want to join our ranks. NREMT-B's can get upgraded to Paramedic through our accelerated Paramedic Course. Contact me if you need more info. Most openings are in Louisiana at the present time. I need three EMT-B's right now...
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    acadian ambulance

    Everything is negotiable.....but to go farther we should talk offline.
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    Just got back from New Orleans!!

    Just a note from those of us at Acadian...THANK YOU for coming! I tell you it was amazing. I was still in the Air Force for Katrina, but saw the videos, and now saw the help we got from everywhere. It was overwhelming.... For Hurricane Ike, I ended up on a unit evacuating Orange, TX to...
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    acadian ambulance

    Interesting read as I browse through the forums. Just as an intro, and probably my first post, I have just recently returned to Acadian as their military veteran recruiter. I say returned, because I worked at Acadian part-time off and on from '77 to '82 while I was in nursing school, then left...
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    Best way to get on a military chopper

    Aim High! I too am a 20 year AF Nurse active duty. Started out as an EMT in '77 during Nursing School, graduated, obtained my credentials (Paramedic, etc.) flew civilian Life Flight for nearly 5 years, then married into a military family and joined the Air Force. Now 20 years has come and...
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    Trailer Hitch

    Anyone have any experience with putting a trailer hitch on a Type III Ford 350 Chassis with dual rear wheels? We are looking to use one to pull our mass casualty response trailer. Thanks....